In sober living atm.. I have 50 days and starting

In sober living atm.. I have 50 days and starting to wonder if I made the right decision when it comes to being in sober living. Not sure how to do this and not looking forward to this next week. Feeling way depressed and thoughts of leaving are becoming stronger.

Hey Bekka, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed. Sober living facilities aren't the only option and, unfortunately, they're rarely the best option. Listen to your intuition to determine whether you should stay or try another method. Blessings. :pray:

Hey Bekka! Sorry you’re not feeling your best. If it’s any help, I was more or less “forced” into sober living after I left treatment.

My point is that I was very resistant to it and it definitely was a culture shock plus a lot to get used to but it did end up being helpful for me and generally a positive experience. I would say try to make the best of it and in the meantime start thinking about and planning your next move in a way that is helpful for your sobriety but also more aligned with a living situation that you will feel more comfortable with.

This too shall pass :pray:t3: And congrats on 50 days, that’s amazing