In Recovery: getting treatment for a drug and/or alcohol addiction. Sober:

In Recovery: getting treatment for a drug and/or alcohol addiction.

Sober: Free from addiction; and overall life is stable and manageable.

Sober Curious: Giving up alcohol for personal and/or wellness reasons while determining why you drink and how alcohol affects your life.

If you don't identify with neither feel free to comment you identify below.

Soooooober and pursuing the life adventure!


I disagree with your definition of “in recovery.” With the implication that in recovery denotes struggle. I am consider myself 23 months sober and I focused on recovery one day at a time.

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I second Michael. I don't want to sound like I'm setting myself up for failure. I AM sober and I intend on staying that way for the rest of my life

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Awesome Jesse!

What are you enjoying most about life now?

Free from the bondage of using or drinking as an escape from dealibg with my fears, emotions


Congrats on 23 months. :tada:

I'm sorry if this definition comes off as insensitive. Definitely not my intention. Your definition is totally fine. I guess recovery, sober, for example have different meanings to everyone. I've heard at least 3 different definitions for each alone.

I simply pulled a definition from online. These are not my personal definitions.

All in all, congratulations on the path you are taking to be a better version of yourself.

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I love this Karen!

I'm a recovering addict. I do not drink alcohol or any other drugs including cannabis.


"In recovery" and "sober" do not belong in separate buckets, as though "getting sober" replaces being "in recovery." I am an addict, and I am sober today because I live a life in recovery today.

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Hey John. Good to hear from you. Thanks for sharing your identity. I appreciate you.

I identify as sober and in recovery, depending on what I feel like at the moment. The way I identify in meetings is, “I’m Allie and I’m a person on a path of discovery and recovery “ it’s a mouthful but it’s my truth and I love saying/hearing it!


Agreed that many people identify with being recovery while not necessarily being in a treatment program.

You can be in recovery AND sober :nerd_face::relaxed: I sure am

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Drinker curious: cutting back in alcohol to see how life is different.

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I have 7 yrs and 4 months sober and consider myself " in recovery ". I work on my recovery every day. Always recovering never recovered is what I learned in rehab and meetings. And it keeps me humble. I go by that. If I ever think I'm recovered I risk relapse. Alcoholism is something that I fight on a daily basis and will continue to do that until the day that I die. A sober death. Lol that's that on that from me. Good topic Amanda thanks!!!

Recovered. The obsession has left me. However, I am well aware, I'm not normal. If I drink, it all starts over, but worse than the time before. Most of the time I'm sober, but I have my moments.