In our readings one of the things that we read

In our readings one of the things that we read is why are we here it talks about how we change once we quit using so if I'm in the rooms of recovery and I'm not learning how to apply the spiritual principles that the steps are based on which is the foundation of recovery and I don't have a sponsor who is a guide and I don't have a support group that I can reach out to when my ass is falling off then I'm not clean I'm not sober all I'm doing is being dry abstinence in the program of recovery it promises that we we can be happy joyous and free that's why I'm here and it's only obtained to apply in the spiritual principles that the steps are based on

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Hi Keith! I know the feeling, there aren’t many supper groups here where I’m at. But, I was recently in Hollywood Florida, there were groups everywhere. I am glad your not using, maybe seek out some groups. Recovery first has a lot of really great alumni :woman_student:t2: groups and I was told they are all over Florida. I hope you find the group that best suits you! But until then, this is a group of sober friends and we’re all here to support you!!

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Thank you so much for those encouraging words Miss Katie I don't know if you have checked out my profile or anyting but I work in the field of recovery I'm going to recovery coordinator consulta and coach so I don't know if my post was misunderstanding it or not it's just that I see so much on here but no one talks about the steps no one talks about sponsorship and no one talks about a support group which are the three main ingredients that keeps us off the edge and puts us in the center of recovery if there's anything I can ever do or if you just need to listen to near I'm always here for you and if you ever back in Florida please check off please check out off Fernandina Beach we have an awesome recovery system here much love and respect

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Oh how amazing! I must have read it wrong, thank you! I’m always looking for advice and support. I love in Reno - so it’s a 24hr town... that’s why I’m on here, to make new connections and friends! Thank you for giving back, happy to meet you!

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The pleasure is all mine young lady I'm happy to make your acquaintance and I would love to correspond back and forth with you and get to know you I went to your profile and very interesting profile awesome life that you have there I'm off 59 years old and I have two grown children that little bit older than you are and I have nine wonderful amazingly grandkids and I'm doing the same thing that you are doing I'm on here to to support and help anyone I can and to reach out when I'm not in a good State of Mind and to make sober friends I have plenty of friends of the world or acquaintances of the word should I say so the pleasure is all mine thank you