In need of a sponsor! I live in the LA

In need of a sponsor! I live in the LA area,but wouldn't mind having a sponsor from elsewhere. Please reach out to me if there's anyone here that can help. Thanks

He Helen. I'm not going th AA oath but I am in LA. If you ever just need a sober buddy nearby t bounce life challenges and successes off, I'm here for you.

Thanks Chris that would be really nice. Can you send me a dm?

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Helen try this; I live in Orange County and I found this resource, it’s called come find a sponsor. It’s Zoom Tuesdays 4pm
869 7594 1609
Password 211211

Fridays 6pm
882 4135 5552
Password 411411


Thank you just saw it! Very helpful thank you

If you don't find one at the meeting, I'd be willing to work with you long distance until you find one nearby! :heart:

Hey hellen I'm in San Bernardino rn wanna link up sometime?