I'm working on self love--

I'm working on self love-- it seems people keep pointing out my flaws and it makes it harder to want to love myself--its probably the way I perceive things but its been a struggle. Anyone else??

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I posted a quote on here a couple of days ago that I randomly found.."Once you have accepted your flaws no one can use them against you." I don't know who wrote it but I love it..


Jazmyn being in treatment has opened my eyes. Try Journaling start with a a daily reflection. Use an affirmation, an I am statement. Then what your high from the previous day your low from the previous day and your goal for the day. Another good thing is M.E.P.S. how you are feeling mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiratually. It has helped me find myself spiratually and learn to love me again. DM if you want me to share things I am learning here. I love to share my life.


Keep your head up. People point out flaws in others when they don't want to look at themselves. Usually people who don't have the courage to take an honest look at themselves. Keep doing you Jazmyn and also people will tend to hate on you when they want what you have. You're putting in the work and it's showing and they feel intimidated so they're trying to bring you down. Brush off the haters!!

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Jazymnn, everybody has flaws. While yours may be different doesn't mean you're less important or not worthy of [self] love.

I've been in your shoes. Once I realized that I am human just like them we are equal. Our talents, strengths, and weaknesses may be different but I am worthy of love.

I've noticed throughout my life that those who are the most mesirable are the ones who put others down the most. And hurt people, hurt people.

Do not let others determine your self-worth. If others point out a flaw without helping you work through it you don't need them.

Forgive them. Stop surrounding yourself with them. Those are 2 ways you can improve self-love.

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I love it!! thank you:)

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extremely helpful! thank you for sharing!

:raised_hands::pray::heartpulse: solid advice!

We all have so called flaws, that is what makes us unique. Flaws are where innovation and progress come from. Each flaw is offset by a strength, it is our task to find that strength and build on it. How boring would life be without flaws? You be the best you that you can be and remember those who point out your flaws are trying to divert attention from their own.

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You’re very welcome

wow! that IS something I really needed to hear today--you are absolutely right!!!

ooo insightful! thank you:)

I’m working on loving myself as well. It’s a daily struggle. Just leave your past behind you and work on being a better person than you was yesterday. Take it one step at a time.

I really relate to your post. Thank you for being honest :slight_smile: I hope you know how much your post helped me not feel so alone in my sobriety journey!

Self love/self compassion may seem like we are being selfish but that's far from the truth. I went to the beach last weekend by myself and flew a kite. No one there to tell me I sucked at getting the kite in the air or yell at me because I didn't bring a jacket because it got a little cold.
But I had so much fun and we all think you should have some fun as well and not worry what people point out because they don't know shit!:wink:

Was confused when I first saw MEPS, what came to my mind was Military Entrance Processing Station, then I read the definition of the acronym and felt a mite silly.

If I can help someone, it helps me more, so thank you.

Not sure if Blues is in your music genre but Keb' Mo' "You can love yourself" is a song that I listen to when I have that issue.

You are loved, friend.