Im very depressed been binge drinking for a long time

Im very depressed and have been binge drinking for a long time now. I want to stop, but I always end up drinking out of trying to cope with emptiness and lack of motivation to do anything I enjoy. I stay in bed all day and stay up all night cry myself to sleep if I can get any sleep. Trying to get through a lot of things changing in my life and being single for the first time in 7 years. I have no sober friends or any friends that truly care for my well being, its so hard doing this on your own.


That was me not too long ago. I'm in the same situation. Just keep moving forward and take it one day at a time. It's hard but you got this!

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Thankyou I appreciate that! I've struggled with this for a long time and at one point was able to do it and have a lot of time behind me. Things have just gotten bad as of lately and im sorry to hear you're going through this as well, its tough!

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Get to a meeting man. There you will find acceptance, love, strength and compassion. And a new way of life.

The thing that most of you people on this app don't seem to understand is you don't have to do this alone. I see a lot of posts and replies and they all seem to say the same thing. I'm drinking I'm hurting and it's hard doing this alone. Call the AA 24-hour hotline and get to a meeting.

If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten!

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I've been married for 8 year and tired of getting too drunk all the time. and me and him supposed to be a team but we aint

u think u can do it with ur husband been married for 4 years I have to decide something

Being alone and single is tough! Haven’t been with or in a relationship in 4 years. I’m sick and tired of the hangover, laziness the next day. I go out very little and don’t enjoy myself really. I really don’t have any friends I hang out with or do things with. Been drinking by myself for a while. I used to go out all the time, but after another DUI 5 years ago. My last relationship we met at work and she was an addict. I let her move in after she relapsed and were both sober for 6 months til she relapsed. I reluctantly let her back and 2 months later she did again wouldn’t let her back. Month later I started drinking again. I’m sober today and went to a meeting, but yeah I drink out of boredom for sure

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Have you spoken a therapist about this? They may be able to help you through the dark days.

Un fortunately this is part of the disease, loneliness separation, a part that can kill you, your the one that needs to find a meeting, make friends and get phone numbers, ill be your friend, see now you have me....

Your not alone for sure! Keep plugged in and maybe try therapy to deal with the emptiness, struggles, pain, etc you’ve been through. It helps me! I am a binge drinker as well and let me tell you that anxiety, guilt, shame following it is crippling!! Keep your head up, don’t give up and know your awesome!!

Sounds like a typical alcoholic home. Lots of chaos. We have a saying in Alcoholics Anonymous; "if you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it then you are ready to take certain steps."

Like I said before, if you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten. If you want something different you're going to have to be willing to make a change. If your husband is not willing to support you with your struggle against alcohol(stop drinking) then my suggestion would be to find another place to live for a while until you can take control of your sobriety. Maybe you can live with your family for a while until you can build some clean time. I'm not here to play marriage counselor but I can certainly feel your pain because I have had that experience too.

Even though I was still a long way from Ever achieving any length of sobriety I had a wife who had no interest in getting sober and as a result we both ended up getting divorced. I guess she didn't like the fact that she was losing her drinking friend. This scenario plays out all too often because most of us picked our spouses for the wrong reasons. Or we get into a relationship when one or both of us already have a drinking problem. It seems like fun for a while but eventually it all erupts like a volcano.

My decision to stop drinking is the most important decision that I ever made in my whole life. I have a great life. All due to sobriety. You and your husband can too. Sobriety is definitely the easier softer way!

I hear u, addiction is a lonely disease. You will get thru this like me n all of us here

There is always hope. People bring themselves up from the loneliest of places and learn to love themselves. I’m waiting for that.