Im trying to quit drinking altogether

Im trying to quit drinking altogether. Im in the process of starting a new career (with almost double the salary). And I see this as a new chapter. A chapter without drinking. Me and my puppy lol. Have no kids but have a puppy. I only drink one to two drinks when I drink but seems to be most days. I dont even drink to get drunk, its more of a habit. Any advice on how to change the habit?

Try an AA meeting on zoom. Ask questions there. It may be a fit it may not, give it a go!

Nice job recognizing you want to make a change! And congrats on pursuing your new career :+1:t2: my chapter is me and my cats at the moment so I’m loving your you and the puppy chapter lol I would suggest reading the book(s) The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and Atomic Habits by James by James Clear. Both changed my life. And my habits.

I just bought the power of habit as you suggested. Looks interesting. By the way you are startlingly impressive to say the least. Hope I can change my habits as you have done.