I'm trying to get clean

I'm trying to get clean and haven't been successful. I need to get out of the relationship I'm in of 5 years its going to be heartbreaking but I think it's the only way to move forward and stay clean. I need to get a job. Ugh. I'm starting from rock bottom again. :broken_heart::confused: the only way to go now is, up, Right?

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I know how you feel. Currently watching my marriage af 16 years fall apart. But I'm seeing that it might not be a bad thing. I'm learning to stand up for myself. It sounds like you have a healthy perspective. Just keep making the next right decision. You got this.

Thanks. I just dont know what the next step is to get clean. I need some time away from my everyday surroundings. But notl Long enough to do inpatient rehab. I need to get away for about a week. I Think ill be ok if I can get 10 days behind me.

Try to get to meetings, either in person or online. I know that helps me.