Im struggling

I am living in insanely everyday of my life. I am allowing this addiction to control every aspect of my entire life. I have completed rehab and that didnt work. I am miserable and cant seem to break these chains to break these chains that bound me. I need help to Quit. Its strong and im weak


I've heard several times the opposite of addiction is connection. The best way to get free of addiction is to form bonds with others who will help you in sobriety. You are not the only one who struggles with this, so don't be afraid to reach out.


As Steven said: connection is key. You'll need meetings, continue to speak with others on Loosid, volunteer. There are many on Loosid who have been in your shoes and can help you.

Have you tried a detox? There are medical facilities that will help you.

You need to realize how strong you are. You admitted you need help; and what didn't work. That takes guts. I'm proud of you for doing that.

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I feel that pain. I am new here and in the same boat. My addiction has been towering over me for a long time. I so badly want to get better. Add me as a friend if you want. Let's kick addictions butt together.

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Hey Mary- glad you’re here, just want you to know that I too felt very miserable and like things wouldn’t work out for me. I’m Glad you went to treatment but I’m sorry it didn’t work for you, after I got out I started going to meetings in my area and got a sponsor. Have you tried working any 12 step programs?

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