I'm struggling with an urge

To whoever is out there, I'm struggling with an urge to use, it's been riding for a while now and I can focus on work. Anyone have any supportive remarks? Could use one right about now!

A craving (urge), in my experience, wants me to ACT. So since We can’t completely remove cravings (even years sober I still get them from time to time), our best chance is to do something different in response to it. Ideally, something you don’t normally do that is unique/memorable enough for you to do it everytime you feel an urge.

so its ok to respond to your urge, just respond in a way that isnt using or drinking. Some ways to respond: call a sober friend, go to a meeting, do 100 jumping jacks, take a cold shower, eat something spicy, play an engaging game. Or whatever makes most sense for you.

Try and get to as many meetings as you can, even zoom meetings. Try and share. People will reach out to you. This app is great but meetings are even better. Addicts sharing their experience is a proven way to arrest cravings. Also Allie has some great advice

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I have a substitute activity that I do if I get an urge, ie swig of alkaline water or milk.

Love that one!

Hey Brent, I used to facilitate meetings for SMART Recovery and one of their tools for coping with urges was called DEADS which is just an easy way to remember some strategies when experiencing an urge.

D = Deny / Delay (Don’t give in to the urge.)

E = Escape the trigger (If you know what is causing the urge, leave immediately.)

A = Accept the urge (Tell yourself that the urge will pass soon and that if you don’t give in to it, the next urge will be less intense, and they will become less frequent.)

D = Distract yourself with an activity (Do something: go for a walk, read a book, watch TV, etc. Put your mind on something else, then it can't focus on the urge.)

S = Substitute for addictive thinking (Send in healthy substitute thoughts to squeeze out the urge: Replace an irrational belief "This urge will kill me" with a rational one "This urge is bad, but it won’t kill me, and it will pass" or substitute feeling down and alone by going to the gym, attending an online support meeting, or chatting with someone on Loosid.)

Most people are aware of these strategies, but the DEADS acronym makes them easier to remember.

Of course, there are other strategies (such as personifying your urge, reframing it, activating an alter ego, etc.) so it's helpful to keep experimenting so you can find what works best for you.

I hope this helpful. If you have any other questions about overcoming urges, just let me know!


Do SMART meetings run online? I’ve never checked one out but would like to after reading your response. Seems like they offer useful tools.

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I hit the gym. Work on getting my mind somewhere other than getting high and doing drugs. In the long run, the drugs are going to make me feel like shit and get me nowhere in life.

Hey Allie! Yes, SMART Recovery has online meetings. You can register on SMART Self-Management And Recovery Training.

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Eat a piece of chocolate. Play your tape from your last drink or drug.