I'm struggling to stay sober. It's the end of the

I'm struggling to get sober. It's the end of the school year and I'm finding myself getting into my old drinking ways. Any tips?

Find some new or old hobbies to keep you busy, for instance I'm trying to do more photography, and music to keep my mind off the next drink. Hope this helps!

I recently picked up The Sober Girl Society Handbook and it’s helping so much. I really love it and the everyday tips it provides. I also discovered AF wine that is pleasantly tasty but recognizing that substitute drinks can be a trigger for folks so not necessarily the best for everyone. Hang in there! You can do this

People places a d things. You need to figure out which if these are triggering you to drink and any of the ones that are triggers need to bye bye. It's a brutal process for both you and the people who get dropped but in some cases it's the only way. Especially if you're falling into old habits.

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Number one question would be to you have a sponsor that you're in touch with frequently?

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Anyway just remember the acronym halt hungry angry lonely and tired if any one of those need to be fulfilled make sure you do that first. And saying prayer as simple as I pray for the knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry it out can do a lot

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Want to see you get through this I know it's hard right now it should really can't stop drinking drinking you have to get to a meeting and get a sponsor