I'm struggling more tonight than I have in a while

I'm struggling more tonight than I have in a while. I have nowhere to turn for support, and feel like my grip on sobriety and life is slipping every minute. I just don't know anymore.


Keep strong :muscle: :blush:

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Hi Alyssa! Thanks for reaching out. I'm a listening ear if you need to vent.

Do you attend meetings or have a sponsor?

Hey girl! I’m here if you ever want to message me! We can’t do it alone and the more support/ sober friends the easier it gets! Hang in there and keep moving forward girl!

My work schedule makes it really hard to attend meetings. I desperately need to find some that can work and find a sponsor.

Stay strong Alyssa, Were here to support you ..

There’s a website - I think it’s “AA Homegroup” - that has a link to 24/7 Zoom meetings. I only attended a meeting once - for a couple minutes. But I’m planning to check it out again soon.


Are you ok? :blush:

I love AA Homegroup! Its a great platform :heart:

Hi Alyssa. I’m from upstate NY too. Went to school in Canton. Stay strong. You got this!! Go enjoy the beautiful scenery up there instead. All you have to do is not during today.

Last night was pretty rough. Worst it's been in a while. I feel really off today, high anxiety.