I'm starting to realize

I'm starting to realize that my drinking is getting in the way of my life. I'm trying to come to terms the fact that I constantly feel like I need to numb my anxiety, but in turn it makes it worse. I don't want to constantly be a drunk, but am having a hard time releasing in more positive ways. Im constantly surrounded by people who drink, and it doesn't make it any easier to choose the healthier lifestyle.


Hi Abbey I can definitely relate to the emotions and feelings you are expressing. Its great that you realize that there is an obstacle and that you can't do it by yourself. If you can answer two questions 1. Do you want what AA has to offer (sobriety thru a new way of living)? And 2. Are you wiling to go thru any lenghs to get it? Then you are well on your way. Find an AA meeting, don't leave without getting a sponsor (a temporary one will do) get and read the big book one of AAs literature first 144 pgs are the exact instructions to soberiety). If you can put even half the dedication and commitment you have put into getting your next drink you will make it. And by the way I don't believe in relapses I believe that everyone that falls has the right to get up and restart where they left off. The spirit of the universe will guide you to your destination.

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Hi Abby. I am in the same place. I drink to calm my anxiouty but it ALWAYS makes it worse! I blackout and ruin relationships, then my anx gets higher…vicious cycle. I'm getting help and I'm 7 days sober today. We can do this!!

Hey Abbey, there are plenty of 12-step and non-12-step options available. What type of help are you looking for? Therapy, local support group, online meetings, recovery coach, or something else?

Thank you for your honesty! It's very helpful just to know people are dealing with the same emotions and im not alone. Im new to this app, but am grateful for the help

I'm kind of unsure at the moment. I recently joined online therapy to help, but its a slow process to find a therapist. Never thought I would need to fina an aa near me, but that might be a good option

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Uggghhh it's the worst. I'm fighting the battle and hope you are too.

I'm sorry to hear that it's been a slow process finding a therapist. You said you joined online therapy… do you mean you joined online-therapy.com or an online therapy provider like BetterHelp or Talkspace? Also, if AA isn't a good fit for you, here are few other options that might be helpful:

SMART Recovery - https://www.smartrecovery.org
Refuge Recovery - https://refugerecovery.org
In the Rooms - https://www.intherooms.com
Celebrate Recovery - https://www.celebraterecovery.com

I agree. I drink bc of my anxiety but I do stupid things when I drink which causes my anxiety.

Dang did you copy that out of my journal or something.

Hey Jan, I can relate. I drink bc I’m anxious but then I black out and I’m even more anxious then before due to my blacking out and making poor decisions

I have been sober for 38 days, I was in the same boat. Booze was my solution to everything, not anymore. 24 hours at a time.