I'm so tired of feeling drunk all the time

I'm SO tired of feeling so drunk all the time. I feel like I'm constantly swimming through mud. My muscles are spasming, I'm soooo puffy, and I'm barely getting through the day.... In fact I'm not. But if I don't drink, I get sick to my stomach, shake like a leaf, sweat and CANNOT sleep.... I dunno which feels worse anymore but neither are good. I just can't find a break in time for myself to let myself recover... Momming is so hard and I can't show my weakness, but I need 2-3 days of actual alone time to sober up,... The ER looks LIKE the Hilton right now.... #sodone

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Sounds like a medical detox.may be a good move. Those withdrawals are hard!! And possibly dangerous. I Definitely don't recommend doing alone, at least have someone on stand by if you chose that route. Pracing for you!!!

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I'm with Eric. You need to detox while under medical supervision. Tap the lifesaver icon to access treatment centers.

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Do what you have to do okay to get your life right and you will be happier with yourself, and your little one will be as well. She needs you.

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You probably need to get some medical attention to safely detox. It takes about a week but it’s well worth i.

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I remember being where you are just several months ago. It is the worse feeling being trapped in a drunk cycle. I would suggest treating this as the medical issue it is as you would anything else this serious. You deserve the medical attention. Be easy on yourself. :pray:


I agree with what everyone else is saying. I think you need to think about medical detox. Please at least consider it. Alcohol withdrawal can kill you at worst, and at best you're going to feel totally miserable with no comfort meds. It's truly great that you're willing to fight through this, it shows a lot of guts and determination, but you don't have to do it alone. In fact it's difficult to the point of bordering on impossible, and it could be very dangerous.

I know that's not probably what you want to hear but it's not even about weakness or willpower. You have a lot of strength just to get to this point and be willing to reach out.


Yes agree agree agree! I know it isn't an easy thing to do but You need to ask for help. And yes its not a metter of will power. You have a physical dependentcy that you need to be treated for. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous things to detox from and you shouldn't do it alone. Go to a hospital if you have to. They will have the resources to help. And ask the people in your life for help. It might seem daunting but once you do it I promise you will be glad you finally did. Dont try to fight this alone!!

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