Im so anxious

Im so anxious today and everyone around me seems to be saying the wrong thing. Im shaking at the thought of using...

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Take a deep breath and breathe my friend. Using won't help the situation. Nothing was ever solved by using. You may be disappointed with yourself if you do. You don't have to use--even if you want to. WE don't have to use. Take it a minute at a time if you have to until the feeling passes. All feelings eventually pass. Just don't use. Please don't.

Play the tape through. Using will only exacerbate your anxiety. Practice some grounding techniques, breathe work, hit a meeting, call a friend.

I talk to my anxiety.. I tell it all the reasons things are going to be ok and tell it using isn't going to help. I have found it is so much easier to live with my feelings now that I am sober because I dont spend time suppressing and avoiding by using.

Anxiety is crippling during recovery. Breathe. Sometimes you need to live moment to moment. You're stronger than your addictions. You can do this.

I know how you feel, Mario. It's a pain that runs deep. Journal your thoughts and feelings, practice deep breathing, and whatever you do don't use.