I'm really struggling and i cant do this program

I'm really struggling and i cant do this program alone. I would love to do a meeting virtualy and i'm not sure if this app will do that. I was clean for 3 years from meth and heroin. i just recently relapsed and now comes the guilt. I am reaching out


There are meetings available virtually through AA

Hi. Crystalnmeth.com has listing for online meetings and some are actually meeting in person now.

Are you still struggling? Im new on here. I dont have any friends to work with.

I am willing to work with any alcoholic /addict that desires to be clean. What substance you are using to destroy your life matters little. The problem is between your ears but know this, YOU CAN BE CLEAN AND SOBER!!!

One day at a time, one moment at a time.

Day one is the most important day - building block for the future. One minute, one hour, one day at a time.