I'm really going through stuff

I'm really going through stuff right now with work and my personal life. I'm really trying not to use, but I sure do need to relieve some anxieties right about now

What are some other ways you could find relief that don’t involve drinking or using?

Nothing right now because even at work I can't do much, I can usually get distracted by it but I'm just counting hours at this point

Take some deep breaths and play the tape through. Drinking might make you feel a little better for a little while but at what cost? You surely quit for a reason so you know what that cost is.

Can you get to a meeting after work? Got a sponsor or sober friends to call? Call every number in your phone if you have to.

Life happens whether we drink or not. For me, drinking ended up making everything much much worse in the long run, so it is absolutely not a rational option to even temporarily relieve that stress. And I can promise you one thing, those problems are still going to be waiting for you when you sober up, plus you have the stress of a relapse on your hands

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Hey Brent. How have you been?

I've been doing ok I guess but I'm trying to stay sober but I struggle daily.

That makes sense, some periods are more difficult than others. If you feel like adding a simple/easy tool to your toolbox, you should join us in the Daily Gratitude Chat Group. I’ve been going in there each morning to write a few things I’m grateful for, even if I’m feeling shi!ty and it seems to help a bit. Hope to see you in there