I'm really bored in recovery. I go to meetings, w

I'm really bored in recovery. I go to meetings, work the steps, GSR for my home group, work with alcoholics yet I feel flat inside. I started with nothing and now I have more than I need. I'm 3 1/2 years sober.


Find a craft/hobby.. I’ve been staying busy cause I know if I get bored, I’m using that as an easy excuse as I’ve done wayyy tooo many times.. best wishes my friend...


Sounds like you got staying sober down, now it’s time to figure out life.
I asked my sponsor when I hit 3 years what’s next. He said what’s not?

It took me another 2 years to figure out what the heck he meant.

See I learned how to go to meetings and do all kinds of service work. I learned all about living sober in AA. But he reminded me around year 5 that I didn’t come to AA to go to meetings and just help drunks. I came to learn how to live life on the terms it provides.

It took another few years and I found myself coaching and running leagues, being a mentor for kids, cooking for church, and .......

Now of this I planned it came as the result of right living. 21 years later still doing basically the same thing. Boredom is just your body and mind resting for the many gifts STAYING SOBER will offer.

So I’d say just keep doing the next right thing and wait for the miracle


I have nothing of value to add because Madison and Dman said it all.

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