I'm not sure if I want to continue

I'm not sure if I want to continue using this app. I thought it was all about recovery but I have since discovered that it is also about meeting people to date.

Not all of us are here for dating :grin: I actually just learned how to turn that part of the app off…I think lol

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Honestly that section of the app is pretty dead, I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor over whether you would want to use it or not.

Honestly I talked to a few recovery professionals who would consider using this as a tool for clients if not for the dating side of things. Maybe they should just retool it a little bit. Thirteenth step shenanigans can also be a stumbling block in early recovery so it might be something to consider, just scrapping that functionality

Hi, Dave. This app is about recovery. Dating is an aspect that many consider X amount of time after being sober. We offer this service to make it easier to find a sober match. You can toggle off this feature.

We don't allow conversations about dating to happen outside the dating section or groups about dating. If you encounter this feel free to contact me directly or send an e-mail to support@loosidapp.com.

We hope you stay and enjoy our community.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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How did you turn it off?

I know what you're saying. I chose relationships many times over the years as a solution. It always came back to prove me wrong. I wish I could get people to understand that relationships are not a solution to our problem. When we choose this as a solution it has very sad consequences and we're left right back where we started from.

Yeah, at least early in recovery, I know that women can be a real Achilles heel for me. I'm taking at least six months off to get my own head in order before I even think about that

Dame dud some of us lonely

I stayed out of relationships for 13 years. During that time I realized that I had been codependent and that I had a lot to learn about being a real man before I was ready to date any women. During that time I went to a lot of AA meetings, cleaned up the wreckage of my past, took some general courses on life matters such as money and dating. And I actually got some Private Pilot Flight Training in. I learned that life has a lot to offer after sobriety. I also believe that when I started drinking, I stopped growing.

Yeah you make a lot of good points. I'm not sure I'm going to wait 13 years! But I'm definitely trying to pump the brakes on that part of my life right now. It's frustrating but I know it's for the best

For you at your age it might not be that long. I heard a guy in the program talk about how he had gone longer than I did and I shook my head and I'm like what???? I was 50 when I started that 13 year journey and the hormones were not as active as they were when I was in my twenties.

You'd be surprised what we can do with sobriety. There are classes we can take to learn about money. We can actually have choices in our life. When we drink or use we don't really have choices because we're locked up in a prison.

Before I got sober, all the money I had to my name was what was in my pocket. Today oh, I don't really have any negative debt, my credit score is through the roof and I actually own a house. I have a beautiful wife and her two kids and I know that they love me and I love them. I also learned that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you in your life is you.

When I was drinking my life got to be the way that it did because of decisions that I made that were based on self. I never really stopped to think about how it would affect the other person because my whole world was about me me me and that's what I mean when I say that I wasn't ready to get into a relationship. When you get into a relationship if it's going to be successful you have to be a selfless person in order to make it work. And you also have to know how to pick a selfless person. I had no clue what selfless was until I came to Alcoholics Anonymous.