I'm not sure? I want to become sober and be

I'm not sure? I want to become sober and be able to give back by earning a living doing the things i enjoy doing like once I'm mentally able to grasp that. I want to accomplish my goals. I've made dumn choices in my life but I feel trapped and I want and need to have freedom to have my goal of music production come true. I want to earn a living and I'm hoping and praying that I can still become a good producer or enjoy life In whatever I may do.

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Here is something I tell people who sit where you are. As long as a boat isn't tied to a dock, it can change its course. What I mean by that is that you have the power to make choices that change your future. It isnt too late to chase your dreams, you just have to modify the way you planned to get there. If you have ever been on the ocean, you know the best way to sail through a storm is around it. It may take longer but you are less likely to wreck. You are still going to you destination, just not the way you wanted. You can do this.

What are you unsure about? Seems like you know exactly what you want. And also it seems like you’re an ambitious person with dreams and goals. You are worthy of pursuing them. You are worthy of making the best out of your life without being bogged down by addiction. I couldn’t reach or even attempt to reach any of my goals while I was still active. But let me tell you, once I got sober, I’ve been crushing it. I have complete faith in your ability to become a music producer. Work on sobriety first, and everything else will fall together.