I'm new here ..relapsed trying to get sober again

I'm new here ..relapsed trying to get sober again



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Welcome. Keep going.

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I understand. Me too.

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You are blessed to have made it back ! Stay :heartpulse:

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Good luck with your 11 days. One day at a time


Me too. Only 8 days sober again after many relapses

I’m glad we all found this place

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Now imagine how's it gonna feel when we find a higher power

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Righteous. Welcome back
Stick around you're needed :+1:

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So glad you are back! You're in the right place :+1:. Stay positive and remember it's day by day and even an hour but it's worth it :pray:.

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Hi friend. I’m new too and almost 2 days sober. You’re not alone.

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Most people relapse. Just know that tomorrow is another day, another moment to start anew. You're NOT alone.