I'm new here. I was wondering what are some ways

I'm new here. I was wondering what are some ways people handle resentment.


I find resentment to be a bit of an odd emotion. We resent something or someone for something that they may not even know about. Often for something they had no control over as well. Resentment and bitterness kinda go hand in hand. The best way I have found to begin to beat it is to sit down and write out what you resent and why. Then read it outloud. Then while sitting there say to your self, “I forgive them and release them from this.” It may take a while but you will be able to beat it.

What is the cause of the resentment, what is my part & what can I do to resolve this issue in a way that benefit all involved…..

Noticing that it’s there is probably the toughest part, which I’m assuming you’ve already done so good job :+1:t2: … this might sound totally nuts but praying for/sending loving thoughts and compassion to the people I resent has without fail been the best way for me to move on and heal. And it’s worth noting I’m not a religious person by any means.

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