I'm just totally sad today

I'm just totally sad today.

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What's going on?

Awww …. Me too today. Woke up that way if you wanna chat I'm around…. It will pass. Hang in there.

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I'm here for you, too, Nichole.

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That's why this app is so great. :slight_smile: We can all relate.


im Sorry youre feeling down today :pensive: anything we can do to help?

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Nope haven't made it that far yet. That's still ahead of me

You all are so great and you make me feel warm and fuzzy and put a smoke on my face. Thank you. And I can't really pinpoint the exact reason why. There are a million things on my mind and ALOT happening in my life right now and none of it is good. I know I have more than enough reason to be depressed and I'm sure that a why. I guess I'm just freaking tired im exhausted!; I walk around with a million pounds on my shoulders. Inwoukd give anything to just wake to and have nothing on my mind and just smile and RELAX i don't know that I'll ever be able to do that again

What are you coming off of if you don't mind me asking?

Sure is, I've been using daily for… 4/5 years now im actually immune in a way i have to use to be normal. I don't get high ever anymore i eat sleep just like any other person. But without it. May as well give me a gun ouch

I'm truly happy for you i really am. This is huge and your doing the right thing. Thos shit will ruin your life. It has ruined mine

Yep. That's just month one. With my immunity to it I'm able to eat so I keep a healthy weight but at one point I was less than 100 lbs and I'm 5 10! But man as good as you think it makes you feel, its not worth it. You push people away, you become a hermit, you don't want to do anything why do we think that is so much fun? It doesn't sound like fun to me. So why do in want it?

You have no clue the shit I'm dealing with in my life right now .. It a truly unbelievable, if my life was a movie people would still say there is no way all that could happen to one person. And literally EVERYTHING that I'm struggling with, trying to just get by day by day, minute by minute really is ALL because of meth. Please get out while you can

Good luck to you. I'll pray for ya, if god would even listen to me.

Look at the amazing advice you’re giving someone else trying to stay sober. That is something to be proud of. You have countless struggles right now, yet you still found the time to reach your hand out and help someone else. That is what recovery is all about.

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This is true.

Thank you. I do truly care about others and if what has happened to me can help to save someone else from going through it, then it makes it a little more worth it for me.

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So whats going on now?