I'm in a negative place right now where I seem

I'm in a negative place right now where I seem to keep thinking about bad things. Im worrying about things like my mom and her health, my daughter and grandkids, my job, my health. Theres nothing really wrong with any of them but I'm just going through this whole thing of "what if something happens to my mom? What if something happens to my daughter or my grandkids, what if I lose my job, what if I have cancer or something and don't even know it?" Then I think about the sad things from my past and worry. Ill be 52 on Saturday and I feel like it is just downhill from here.



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I’m Eddie. New to this site! Think of all the good things that God has given you. Put them in your right hand. Now think of the bad things. Put them in the palm of your left hand. Your right hand feels so much heavier than your left. It will be :ok_hand:


I tend to overthink things like this often as well. I try to find more positive things to keep my mind occupied. I have several hobbies I enjoy and I keep a daily journal where I write down meaningful quotes or just random thoughts. You can’t change the past, so I do my best not to look back, at least not for too long or I’d put myself into a downward spiral.

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