I'm having such a difficult time quitting drinking, and I

I'm having such a difficult time quitting drinking, and I know I'm not committing as much to my recovery as I should. But I have a tendency to withdraw when I'm having a hard time, and I by myself cannot overcome this. It's so hard to not get discouraged!

Hi Kim. I'm only 3 days sober from a long battle with alcohol. It came down to me drinking a 1.75 litre bottle of vodka in 3 days before I stopped. It's hard, but try to focus on being free instead of how hard of a time your going to have. Take it moment to moment, than expand it out once your feeling comfortable. Good luck and feel free to message if you need to talk.

Hey Kim. We all have to start somewhere. And as much as we’d all love recovery and sobriety to be a straight line, more often than not it’s a long winding processes with lots of ups and downs. Go easy on yourself and commit to staying sober each day, one day at a time. Try not to resist any feelings or negativity that comes about. What we resist, persists. Just let them pass, which they will. you got this !!

Hello Kim. I tried to stop drinking by myself before, and it did not work for me. I started going to AA and got a sponsor right away. Since this time, I attend multiple meetings, some men and women and some just women. With the groups, there is a great support. It's great to especially have gone through the same/similar steps as me.