I'm Having Alcohol Withdraw Sypmthoms

I'm Having Alcohol Withdraw Sypmthoms

When was your last drink? Do you medical help?


I strongly recommend seeking medical help immediately. I did not and almost died if the ambulance had not arrived when it did. If you are a heavy drinker like I was, quitting cold turkey can be extremely dangerous. Hope you are okay and sending my prayers your way :pray:. I know this has got to be terrible :cry:.


Hi Tina! Those withdrawals can be scary. :cry: The best advice I have is for you to seek medical attention. Please reach out to your doctor. You can call a detox center to check if there's a place for you though you started the process. As Melissa said- detoxing can be dangerous.

Tina, definitely consider what everyone is suggesting about medical help! Withdrawals are awful (and dangerous) but are far more manageable with the help of a professional

I agree with Melissa! Vitamins are great but I only let a medical professional dictate my medical care. My best thinking led to addiction when I made decisions on my own. Alcohol withdrawal can lead to seizures and death. Being honest with doctors allows for effective therapy. Detox wards of hospitals allow for alcoholics and addicts to dry out in a safe environment. Get medical insurance ASAP if without!