I'm having a huge craving right now, tears streaming down

I'm having a huge craving right now, tears streaming down my face, lump in my throat. I hate this disease and this feeling. I know that it will pass in a few minutes, just needed to say it "out loud" for someone.

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You can do it Yvonne! One minute at a time if you need to.

Get distracted! Go for walk. Store. Anywhere.

Go to a store that doesn’t have alcohol.

I'm babysitting my grandbaby who is napping. I pulled my stove out and cleaned under it behind it because I went to a store last week and bought a new one. I'm feeling better now. It just hits you so hard and out of the blue

Thank you, very much. Just knowing someone else knows exactly what you mean is priceless

Glad you reached out. Stay strong. You got this

Nothing this beautiful baby girl and 80's rock can't fix.

You can do it, Yvonne. Hold on till the urge passes. Use the tools in your toolbox and build a way out of it.

Thank you all so much. I'm over it and I'm good. The granddaughter and I are outside washing stones in a bucket of water

Glad you made it.