I'm hangin in there!

Trying new hobbies and delving into my interests helps me battle my bipolar depression. What are some healthy outlets you engage in or want to try? A new one for me is aerial yoga. It's so much fun!!



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Wow girl!!! That looks awesome. Haven't tried anything that cool yet. I will keep you posted :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have a friend that is super in to this... very cool hobby... need some serious core strength :muscle:

:joy: right


Awesome!!! New healthy hobbies always helps. I just started working out with the gymnastic rings!!!

Endurance running​:fire::fire::fire:

Playing guitar always been my hobby considering I'm getting old to put a band together..


I have picked up a lot more hobbies since I've been sober. Some of mine are hiking, camping, art, fishing, video games, board games

Yikes! Don't slip

Bass, electric, acoustic?

Thanks Melissa! I highly recommend taking an aerial yoga class. Beginner classes don't teach anything crazy and upside down haha. There are plenty of basic, even seated aerial yoga poses.

Very cool Danny! You must be very strong. Those are hard!

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I love a good hike! What places do you like to hike?

Your sober success is inspirational. I’m trying to play music again.

I’m getting there. Ring exercises are a welcome challenge. Other hobbies include music - guitar, drums, keyboards, and I produce. Also metalworking - jewelry and sculpture. Checkout my Instagram @onthedlmetalsmith