Im going back to inpatient

Im going back to inpatient in the next couple of days. It's my 3rd time in the last 6 months. Any suggestions on how to get through it would be greatly appreciated. Someone who has been there please help me?


Most important thing for me was to take suggestions and just do what they told me no matter what. Never skip groups if you're tired or something, you never know when you'll hear the thing you really need to hear.

Trust the process.

It's hard to say much more without knowing more about where you're going. I'll be happy to answer any questions though

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My best advice after two trip in a year is: Do it for YOU. I don't know if it is your choice to go or if there are other legal reasons or whatever, bit in order to get something out if it for me it was doing it for myself. It takes maybe a week or two to adjust to the speed of things and culture of whatever program you go to, this is normal. Wor through it and know that you will adjust if you want to. Try to separate your emotions from your thinking at that point and drive on. The goal is to immerse yourself into it however you can.

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You're doing yourself right. Don't beat yourself up. I can't even remember all of my inpatient stints. Learn to like/love yourself more-things get easier. It has for me.

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To name something you can do now would be to acknowledge that youā€™re doing the next right things for yourself! Understand youā€™re making the decision on your own to go to treatment and not let your active take over! I just got out of rehab and my piece of advice is to invest! Invest every part of your being to your recovery! In treatment you tend to hear the same things over and over again. Listen to those things! It takes 21 days to for a habit to stick. So set healthy goals, routines and stay consistent! youā€™ve got this!

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Lots of love and good feedback in this thread! Personally, when I went to rehab I thought I'd somehow ā€œlost.ā€ It was just my disease coming at me. I'm SO grateful that I got to go to rehab where I was introduced to NA. Today I have over 3 years of recovery. Godspeed and God bless you on your journey back to life.

i found my first stint in inpatient was too shortā€¦then I was right back in there within 2 monthsā€¦but that 2nd time I requested longer because I knew I needed it.

After that i went into outpatient per recommendation of my counselorsā€¦smartest advice ever and it really helped make ā€˜it stickā€™.

Stayed sober for 7 yearsā€¦and life was awesome!

Sadly I recently relapsed and Im on day 2ā€¦and the main reason I relapsed was because I was so cocky that I didnā€™t keep up with ā€˜the workā€™ā€¦I winged my recovery and it came back to bite me in the assā€¦so as the others here have said, invest yourself into it and ā€˜be presentā€˜ while you are there and take it all inā€¦repetition makes it stick.

You can can do this!!!!