I'm falling in a rut. Nothing seems interesting...meetings arent open

I'm falling in a rut. Nothing seems interesting...meetings arent open alot. What are some new things to do/try?? need out of this slump!

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Try finding a hobby for me it’s playing guitar it keeps my mind focused on good things

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Garden, read, cook, write, hike, fish, donate time(meals, tutor, talk/listen), video games, auto repair, woodworking, learn a new language.....I try everything I can. Hope you can too.


Don't know if you're familiar or not with zoom but you can download the app and then go to aa-intergroup.org and find online meetings through the zoom app that meet every hour of the day all over the nation
Other than that, staying busy but exercising is the best because of the dopamine, endorphins and serotonin that's released when doing it. Praying for you. This community is also a great resource. Good work reaching out that speaks volumes of your desire to stay stopped

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Or join the Quarantined Alcoholics Anonymous group on Facebook. Lot of sobriety there, plus they keep an updated list of Zoom meetings. :v::metal::call_me_hand:


Hey there q 24 hour meeting on line.. its people from qll over the :earth_americas:

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I requested you as a friend

Wanna chat

Read a book.

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thank you!! that is helpful info

thank you!! very helpful! :heart:

its like I know to do these things....but sometimes I just need someone to run a list off for me to remind me. thanks!!

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damn. if only I could play guitar...

Texting, talking over the phone with your loved ones, binge watching getting a pet buddy :smiley:

Are you sure there are no in person meetings? Here in Grand Rapids we have all kinds of them, pretty much all the same ones as before. It seems like Lansing would too. I would call your local Alano club to see what there is. And ya, with things being the way they are, depression is an easy trap to fall into. It's been kicking my ass. I've set some personal life goals for myself andthat at least keeps me busy as well as something to shoot for so I don't give up and say screw it. The alone time sucks, but when I get a chance I think I am gonna get in my car and go on a day long road trip to wherever I decide to go. I'm also researching what social groups still exist that involve things I am interested in. Just as examples…. But ya, pandemic life sucks…

It’s never to late to learn lol

Another option is smartrecovery. org been around for 25 years and has a more modern approach its also free!
