I'm bored

I'm bored, anyone want to trade dad jokes?

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Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?

Because they're so good at it

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Why do elephants have red toenails?

So they can hide in apple trees.

Ever seen an elephant in an apple tree?

Works then.


Oh lawd.

I used to be a chronic procrastinator. My third grade teacher said I would never amount to anything. I told her, “just you wait”

Whats brown and rhymes with snoop?

DR. Dre


3 legged dog walks into a restaurant. He’s super angry and looking around. finally the host asks if he can help him.

Dog: yeah, I’m looking for the man that shot my paw

Panda walks into a diner. He sits down, orders and eats. The waiter brings over his check and he pulls out a gun and shoots them, then starts to walk out. The host yells at him to stop, which he replies, ‘I’m a panda, look it up’.

Panda definition: eats shoots and leaves

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My niece was getting sassy last night, so I told her “there are cows sleeping in a field.”

She asked what that had to do with anything.

…"it's pasture bedtime."

Lol Steve with the fire

These are great!

I once met a super hero called Typo Man…

He was there to write all wrongs.

I dropped my vacuum cleaner off at goodwill today…

It was just collecting dust.