I'm bored and my head is telling me that I

I'm bored and my head is telling me that I feel like drinking right now at 9am. Smh I just wish I could understand sometimes why my brain is like this. Sigh. The last few days have been a little tough with drinking thoughts. Staying strong though just wish sometimes I can figure out what it is I'm trying to avoid emotionally?

It is called the obssision it a head fucking

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I know for me just acknowledging the thought to someone helped me get past it. If you need a sounding board hit me up!

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Sure is

Thanks :slight_smile: I feel like that's always kept me honest so I figured I'd post it. Thanks … :)) I feel weird today. I forced myself to get up and shower and going to take my dog and myself for a car ride. It's so cold though it's hard to make myself go out there but I need to get out for a little bit at least. I'll see how I feel after that. :nerd_face:

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Thats a great idea. I get like that alot when I'm by myself… I like to download a podcast and drive to the hardware store. Gets me focused on something else. Hope it helps :blush:

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I'll let you know how my adventure went .. solo drives I know work for me. I need a remote starter for my car :rofl: then it wouldn't be as hard to get out there. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So im bored as well however im getting ready to go to a church and a meeting then group football


Yay! That all sounds good. Let us now how it goes.

you got this do anything to keep your mind occupied read a good book learn something new on YouTube go for a walk! u got this!

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Thank you! The long drive definitely helped.. now I'm doing some productive things which I think is pulling me out of the short lived funk a bit.

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Stay strong Nichole! I feel like drinking today too, Idk why. Everything is fine over here, but sometimes these feelings sneak up on us. Let's stay sober together!


Yesss i think you're right and I'm going to try not to worry too much about the why and keep on working on the coping mechanisms that work for these moods of mine. I'm with you on staying sober. :relaxed::hugs:

In my old life everything i did revolved around drugs and alcohol.i thought i couldn't breath wuth out them. Early recovery can be fucking horrific. Ive been at this for a little minute and its still difficult to handle life on lifes terms. Thats why they say no relationships in the first yr. This go round i actually did everything as suggested. I worked my ass off for the first 3yrs. My is anything but perfect and i still struggle with things like relationships. But u know what?? I would never ever trade this life for anything. I am seldom bored in this life. Because its true life and everything in it is real. My worst sober day is better than my best day drunk or high. Sometimes u gotta knuckle down and ride it out and when the storms over and ur still standing. Ur the shit baby!!

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You might not be trying to avoid anything emotionally. It could literally be as simple as your brain doing what brains do … which is create thoughts. And when at some point it was used to creating those thoughts, it’s normal for it to have them again. But it’s clear you wanna stay sober bc they worry you! Hang in there. My brain is nuts I try not to listen to it most of the time :joy:

Thank you for sharing that .. I feel like normal daily tasks without drinking sometimes is hard too I know it'll get better though. :slight_smile: You're awesome… thank you again. :slight_smile:

That's very helpful… I feel like I'm one of those people that need to figure out why all the time and what you said makes alot of sense. Could just be having these thoughts because it's the routine I got myself into for quite awhile. I'm gonna have to definitely talk to myself… “no.. brain. This isn't what we're doing anymore. You didn't get the memo?”

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I keep going to the kitchen for a drink, glad there's nothing there…

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I'm happy for that too!! How are you feeling?

yes theres no shame in talking to yourself! especially when you’re combatting negative thoughts :nerd_face:

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