I'm an introvertive personality

I'm an introvertive personality to begin with and handle being by myself for long periods of time reasonably well but sometimes it's just fucking depressing to not have anyone reach out to talk to you. It reminds me why I was able to go through a third a handle of vodka a night to escape... bad thing to be reminded of after 6 months sober


I know the feeling :confused:it sucks!

Reach out to me anytime! Seriously, I'm on here daily, please don't hesitate! This goes for anyone on here :blush: i don't bite lol


Im struggling with similar feeling too. Sometimes it feels isolating whem you want to get better and you feel you should just keep it all to yourself. But sometimes that makes me feel worse.

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Thank you :blush:! I will. Yea, it is just an awkward feeling knowing I'm making the right decision but not having that immediate gratification :unamused:

Oh, I somehow missed this post! Are you doing okay? I know I post a lot but I'm naturally introverted too, INFP and all that.. If you ever want to talk I'd be happy to. Whoever it is, don't hesitate to reach out! Isolation is my number one trigger and I know I'm not unique in that way.

Just don't pick up no matter what

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I know what u mean! What would happen if u shared ur journey with ppl close to U? Would they be understanding and supportive?

Yes, unlearning that pesky desire to want instant gratification is so hard.. I find its easier if i can get similar gratification in a healthy way.. usually im tempted to use when im stressed and need to relax so I do deep breathing and it mimics the behaviors and the feeling of getting high. Or ill sing and dance my heart out for a quick endorphin boost.. do u have something u can do to help in that critical moment?

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Im an INFJ HSP.. my default is isolation. Its a hard habit to break! Im so grateful we all have each other though! We are stronger together :blush:

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Not just stronger, my whole sobriety disintegrates without fellowship. It just won't even get started.

You all keep me sober.

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I know what you mean about being able to be alone. I have been sober a long time. But this is the first social platform of any kind that I am a part of. Don't socialize much and stay to myself except for meetings. I decided to do this because I feel like I have something to offer. It is a waste to have knowledge that you keep to yourself. Contributions from new young people like yourself help all of us. Keep reaching out.

Haven't had a chance to say Hi Lia Lady!

Thank you Larry. Yea, I do think having this community as a resource is helpful to not feel like the only one struggling :confused:

You definitely do have something to offer Larry! I'm really glad you're part of the community here. You could save someone's life