I'm almost through my first day without a drink in

I'm almost through my first day without a drink in a very long time. It's getting hard. My anxiety and depression are crazy right now.


It will get easier with each passing day. Just dont pick up

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Nothing makes me happier than to give some personal insight on how to get through the first day. On a personal level...you already passed the 1st and MOST IMPORTANT step of all Sobriety. Which is to Admit you need help and ask for it! Someone once told me, "YOU CAN'T FIX WHAT YOU DON'T ADMIT".

Second....The first day of course is the second hardest step. NOT to SMELL, LOOK, TASTE, FEEL OR LISTEN anything that has to do with your addiction. Yes all 5 senses. BUT...the 6th sense is the most important. THINKING!!! If you can STOP thinking about it...you can beat it. So for me...I had to force myself to change my thinking. It seems hard but it's actually easy. I had to keep myself super busy...so that I would NOT think about my addiction. Exercise is my best way of beating my thoughts. It keeps you busy...thinking about how tired you are and how to catch your breath and hey...of course...be fit. So you kill many birds with one stone. Don't like working out...or can't? Just RUN...Run...run..run...untill you can't no more....by the time you finish....you won't want whatever it is your addicted too. You can't want something if all your doing is thinking of how tired you are lol

May sound silly...but it works. You can't run? Walk!!! Walk far...and enjoy nature and listen to music.

This is just 1 way out of a million ways to change your thinking. I hope this helps! I pray you can get past the 1st day. If u do and you slip. Try again and be proud that at least you did ONE day. Then try again. Keep going. Never give up. *** bless you.

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Thank you so much for the advice. I'm definitely going to try and implement it.

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Your Welcome Bro. Let me know how u feel afterwards!

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That's soooo true. That's why it's so important to maintain Sobriety. :100: You got this. :fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:

Stick with it congratulations

It will get easier I highly recommend vivitrol I've had great success with that it has done wonders for my depression I suffer from seasonal depression than to top it off I am a horrible drunk but I have little over 4 months without a drop of alcohol