I'm afraid

I'm afraid .

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What are you afraid of?

Hi Kevin, I'm afraid its going to be too late and maybe don't get a new liver. Going going to lLexington ky February 16 to liver transplant team and see what the future holds. So how are you?

My dad had to get a liver. He waited 2.5 years and ended up accepting a high risk doners liver and kidney. By the time he finally had someone you know… available, both his kidneys were useless. He was much older then you and in very bad health by then. You will be ok I know it. Scary hell yeah but today's medical miracles will keep you safe. I will add you to my prayers.

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Me too! I'm afraid getting high is the only thing I'm good at. I'm afraid I have no purpose in this life. I'm afraid I make the people that car about me miserable. I totally relate

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