I'm addicted to method

I'm addicted to method and any kind of opioid I can get. I'm about to loose my family, house, everything. Life is hard right now, just trying to get through

Hey Kristina, ask your doctor about the new naltrexone and bupropion combo. It might be helpful for you. Here's an article about it: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/news/20210120/two-drug-combo-may-help-fight-meth-addiction

Also, what do you think would be most helpful for you right now? Therapy, recovery coaching, support group meetings, new friends, or something else? There are plenty of 12-step and non-12-step options available. I'm happy to help you or at least point you in the right direction based on your situation, goals, and preferences.

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Hey Kristina. Sorry to hear you’re struggling right now. I second Kevin’s suggestion. Is there anyway you can get in touch with your doc today?


Sorry to hear you are going through it right now. You don't always have to lose everything. What worked for me, was going to my Doctor and being honest about how bad my problem was. You health insurance should cover any treatment program they have available. Also, this is considered a serious personal medical condition. So, unless your employer caught you. You do not need to divulge the personal details of your condition. You will also qualify for off time pay for time required for treatment.

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Plz just stop . No matter what it takes . I had 2overdoses in the last 2 yrs . This disease is trying to kill us . You can do it . I'm coming up in 6 months clean and sober . If I can do it anyone can :100:

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Hey, thanks everyone, it sure does feel great to feel cared about. I havent felt that in a long time. Having said that, to answer your question Kevin, I for sure think the friend thing would help most. I have this issue when it comes to talking about my feelings. It makes me very uncomfortable and I freeze up and won't talk. So therapy is pretty much out although after what I've been through the last 3 years, I'm sure I would need it. I live in such a small town that I hate to tell my doc I'm on drugs. I'm sure they know, but its never talked about and unfortunately I'm there a lot. I guess inworry with image you could say. . you know when I opened this app in was straight out having a panic attack but I already feel a bit better just talking thanks a lot guys that makes you special to me.

Thank you

I’m glad youre feeling a little bit better after coming on the app and getting support. I swear nothing has been more helpful for me in my sobriety than just having people show up for me and prove to me that I’m worth love and care. And you are too. Also, I totally get what you’re saying about being in a small town and not feeling comfortable about talking to the doc. There is so much stigma around addiction and even around recovery, so I get it if youre not quite there yet. Therapy really is a major help, but I also understand that it requires a level of comfort you might not have just yet. That’s ok! Meth wasn’t my DOC but I once attended a CMA meeting by mistake and ended up loving it and stayed/ went back later that week lol if you wanted, you could check out a ZOOM meeting and just keep your camera off an listen in so you don’t have to do any socializing.

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Thank you. Thanks a lot

Struggling with addiction

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