I'm addicted to meth and heroin and I'm killing my

I'm addicted to meth and heroin and I'm killing my self a little more each day I'm usually about 190 pounds now I would be lucky to weigh 80 pounds I need help bad I ain't got much longer and it will be to late I've tried stopping on my own and can't please someone help me

I'm nobody but I've seen friends get off of meth and heavy drugs. One day at a time its hard but it can be done.

First thing you need to do is get away from those people you get high the bad crowd. Anywhere those types of people hang out you need to avoid.

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Well from my personal experience, it took my ex who was on heroin to go to prison and the long term fact if he kept this up he would lose his daughter.

My most recent ex. Was hooked on meth, coke,uppers. He says hes getting clean and sober now he lives homeless in a tent. I couldnt take it anymore so after my lease was up I moved. Since he was an addict bbefore he went to prison himself he came out to a fresh start. Started living with me took advantage. I did everything pay theBill's, I had the license, I was feeding him and his brother. Now that I live far away, he uses that fire to quit to get sober hes putting on weight even found himself a job. Still loves homeless but uses that to his advantage. To save money

It's on you to want to quit. You have to dig deep. Get away from everyone who know who does that shit. Get into contact with others who quit. Find a hobbie. Work out you want to gain all that weight back. Your going to be tired for a while that's quite the cocktail. And the with draw is going to suck ass I witnessed it my self from both. Drink lots of pedialyte stay hydrated rest. And try to eat.

Hey Rickey, what do you need help with the most right now? Detoxing, reprogramming your mind, mastering emotion regulation skills, building healthy habits, creating a life of fulfillment, or something else?

Hey Rickey, I recommend going to the sobriety help section in the app and tapping telehelp. Call a provider and get some professional guidance. You can also find detox facilities in that section as well.

Hey Rickey. If you can go to a detox center, do it. Get some clean time under your belt. Then you can start from there. Don’t give up, your life is worth living.