I'm a struggling alcoholic and addict, I've only been to

I'm a struggling alcoholic and addict, I've only been to one meeting many months ago to celebrate being 3 years sober from meth, and on January 25th this year I celebrated my fourth. I still struggle with alcohol and cocaine today and I woke up deciding it was long past time to tackle those demons. I'm going to try attending a meeting tonight at 7pm in Turlock, CA, but after calling some hotlines I discovered a lot of groups are closed down from the pandemic. If anyone could reach out and reccomend some online groups or local in person meetings, or just pass along some tips for a beginner I'd appreciate it :heart:


I recommend SMART recovery. It stands for Self Motivated Addictions Recovery Training. They have online meetings, chat groups, classes, educational videos, and it's science based. You can google it and sign up on their website which will direct you to all of they above. It is also a national organization that has in person meetings, but those have been suspended do to the pandemic. Congrats on your accomplishments so far, keep it going )

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Thank you so much, I'll check it out right now!

Check out DAAusa.org

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You can also do a search for AA Intergroup near me. That will give your your local Intergroup web page. There you can find a schedule for all the meetings near you. It highlights which meetings are online. Many meetings are meeting on zoom. I'm in the Sacramento area, it looks like this part of California does have a few meetings still gathering. .

Here is a list of meetings in Turlock


VirtualNa.org will give you a list of meeting's via zoom all around the world 24/7