I'm 90 sober. Got back from rehab a few months

I'm 90 sober. Got back from rehab a few months back and returned to my wife still on meth and thinks she can get off by herself but I know that is not possible.. her family won't talk to me as they just consider me a useless junkie.. I don't have the money to put her thru rehab as she got fired from her job while I was in rehab and no longer has insurance. I feel lost, we have been together for 13 years and I don't think I want to be in the relationship anymore, the meth is more important to her then me.. it hurts because she was by my side while I was in chemotherapy and now she love meth more than me or her daughter.. sucks.. I need advice.. I have yet to slip and I won't. I'm miserable because she helped me, well she saved my life.. and now because of money I can't save hers.. :worried:

This is a tough situation. I’m sorry you’re going through it. And I’m so happy youve stayed sober throughout it and are dedicated to staying sober moving forward. 13 years is a long time, you’re right. But if the relationship is only causing you pain and suffering at the moment, perhaps it’s best you separate yourself from her so that you can focus on your own recovery. If it’s meant to be, you will find each other again when the time is right and you’ve both healed. There are a ton of state-run and free or low-cost options for treatment. NA is also free. if you can, take some time to look into your options and see if you can get her to a detox and treatment center for a few months.