Im 5 months sober, I dislike painful feelings that can

Im 5 months sober, I dislike painful feelings that can be overwhelming at times. I'm facing a lot of problems that was created in active addiction. Im also dealing with my oldest kids father that was in a motorcycle accident and now disabled and dependent on someone to take care of him. I can't do everything myself an focus on my recovery. It just sucks


Hey Kelly, I'm truly sorry to hear that you're having a difficult time. Trust me, it will pass.

Also, while reading your post, I could sense your pain in the language you used: "I dislike...", "I'm facing a lot of problems...", "I'm also dealing with...", "I can't do everything myself...", "It just sucks."

As you can see, the stories you're telling yourself are causing your suffering.

What if I told you "Everything that you're experiencing right now and everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune. And even though what happens will sometimes appear unfortunate or hurtful, in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever happens."

How would you feel about that wonderful news?

Relieved? Peaceful? Joyful? Fearless?

If you're willing to give this new concept a chance and to actually believe that everything that happens to you is the best thing that can possibly happen to you, you will start to act in accord with that belief and, as a result of natural law, bring about that end.

Change your stories and your life will change. Blessings. :pray:


Yeah, painful feelings and emotions are the worst lol I dislike them very much too. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone!


Thank you for advice


Thank you for your advice an outlook


You're welcme :slightly_smiling_face:

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