Im 32 and my health is not great right now

Im 32 and my health is not great right now and I know alcohol is to blame. I haven't spent more than a week sober in over a decade and now I have to in order to prevent actual liver damage. I need to spend a minimum of 90 days sober and im afraid ill fail because I've tried before, but I can't fail this time.

It’s gonna be the hardest thing you’ll have to do right now, but if you lay down a good foundation, get a sponsor, do the steps and attend meetings you can do it one day at a time. They feeling you have after you have denied king alcohol, is empowering. keep it simple one day at a time :).

It is a good idea to remove all alcohol from your life, and to distract yourself. I remember how hard it was taking a break for a short period of time, but when I quit altogether it got easier after a couple weeks. You can do it if you fill your mind with positive things to replace the negative. And you will notice very quickly how much better you feel.

Read books! This really helped me just not want to drink. This Naked Mind and Alcohol Explained were excellent!

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I am sorry you are going through this. I know it doesn't sound like help but the first thing you have to do is decide that you are worth saving. If you don't believe that then why would you get sober? I have seen many people in you situation who didn't even try to quit, because they never saw the worth that their life was worth. You are an amazing creation. Even with whatever flaws you see in your mirror you are worth fighting for. You have to tell yourself that until you absolutely believe it. As I heard a doctor say, the best way to survive is to decide you are going to, sobriety is much the same. It is gonna be a fight, but you can win it.


Thank you I actually love learning and am very into podcasts too so im definitely looking for recommendations. I dont think AA is right for me but its good to have support when going through change. I quit smoking 6 years ago with a group of friends. If I can do that I can do this.

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I became debt free in December and was recently given a small promotion At work. In March ill celebrate my 6 yr anniversary with my boyfriend (wedding pending covid). He doesn't drink and has been encouraging me to quit. I went for a long walk last night and I literally said out loud “I dont want to die.” I've known I've been poisoning my body but to hear a doctor say they want to ultrasound my liver is scary. If I take this seriously I can do a complete 180 to my health its not too late. Here's to day two


Hello Nicole! I am with you on tge fact that it is difficult, but it is fabulous to be sober; I am celebrating my 6th month. Do you have anything to distract yourself such as walking, going a drive to a place you haven't been before, visiting friends?

Some ty hing that has helped me is drinking tge Welch's Sparkling Juice- it gives off a fizziness that helps.

I also found beyond fabulous support within my AA group. The friends I've made are priceless and words cannot express the loving support I get. I believe it is great going to meetings.

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Nicole if you ever want to talk one on one I'm here for support. Liver health is no joke. I would have died this year without my liver and kidney transplants and I am also 32!

You're the one who has to commit and I hope you can before you let it get as bad as I did. I will tell you one thing, looking back i can't believe how vain I was about life. It is precious and you deserve to have a healthy, beautiful and long life ahead of you. Seriously, I am here to talk about anything if you ever want to share.


Have you listened to Annie Grace on your podcasts? She's the author of This Naked Mind. She talks about how AA works for so many but she couldn't follow that approach.


Also there are a ton of sober support groups on Facebook as well that are nice to read through stories.

Hi Nichole. I know this is scary. Staying sober will probably be the hardest thing you'll do. But it does get easier.

You are worth living a healthy life. Keep reaching out for help. I'm glad you have your fiancé to support you.

Thank you this is scary and this totally woke me up i have to do this now.