I'm 11 weeks sober today and feeling really good

I'm 11 weeks sober today and feeling really good. I feel like I'm finally present and actually living my life, instead of numbing my days and blacking out. My struggle now is with telling friends I'm no longer drinking. I need to soon ( I've been pretending to drink -cranberry juice looks a lot like wine!), And the fact that with the pandemic we really haven't been getting together much anyway. I feel so proud of myself that I sometimes just want to be honest and own it and shout it from the rooftops and then other times feel like it's no one's business. I can't control how they will react and it makes me uncomfortable. Anyone gone through this or have suggestions? Thanks :blush:


Erin, I have been through the same. Don't be embarrassed. This is something you should be proud of. You kicked addiction's behind. Your friends should be proud of that.

Tell them. Don't hide it.

It's true we can't control how others respond-but we can control how we respond. Don't be down. Own it. You beat addiction and that should not be a secret.

Proud of you.

“Been there done that and don’t like the way it makes me feel anymore and I quit for Health reasons”

Be home with them. You may be the lone wolf here but you may find that some of the pack will follow your lead. Either way honesty helps keep you sober. Its kinda like when you are on a diet and you order a sundae and you friend say, "I thought you were dieting." They may be willing to remind you not to drink.

Thanks for the great advice!!! I really appreciate it.

Hey Erin!

Amazing job on 11 weeks of sobriety. It’s always refreshing to hear someone who’s relatively new to it, feeling good and speaking positively about their experience so far.

As far as your struggle with telling your friend you’re no longer drinking, I TOTALLY get it. I was there once too. More so with my cousins, than my friends. Because they were really attached to my identity as a partier.

Anyway, you have every reason to be proud of yourself. AND you’re totally valid in being hesitant about sharing with your friends. Like you said, you’re not sure how they’ll react.

Based on my experience, some people will react well/supportive, some will be unphased, and some will react negatively. One of my friends who I previously partied with a lot, was very happy for me and was willing to find new ways for us to spend time together without drinking. We’re still friends to this day.

Another friend, however, who I also partied with a lot, was very upset by my decision to get sober, especially because it was before her wedding (a year before, mind you lol) and she decided to no longer have me as the maid of honor and basically cut ties.

Others, like extended family members, are just kind of “meh” about it. It took my cousins a little while to get used to it, but they came around.

What I will say is, that it feels go to be out and loud about it. And to not be carrying a secret. Hope this helps.

Thank you for taking the time to explain how it went for you! I really appreciate all the feedback. I should just be proud and be me.

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