If you want your recovery to work you have to

If you want your recovery to work you have to put in the work. If your not going to meetings, not working the steps, and don't have a sponsor, your not working the program. This app is good for sharing, but this not where you find a sponsor. You're sponsor is someone you can meet with and talk to face to face. Someone sober and experienced, and trustworthy. This app should be something that WE help to motivate each other. So, as much as it pains me to be say it, some of you need to stop feeling sorry for yourselves and get busy doing something/anything about it. Bring it!


Agi your a great motivator, share it!

Don't get me wrong- your problems and pain are real, but you have to do something or about it. Not just talk DO

Ana is right a wonderful article in the Atlantic by Gabrielle glaser. Call the irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous check it out

Google it

I agree sobriety is not a passive sport.

I was sober in AAA for 10 years. Never could get used to the idea I was powerless over alcohol. I’m only powerless over alcohol when I drink it.
I needed a new outlook rather than the same all same all of AA meetings. As wonderful as it is it can get extremely boring. I have again reading different books outlining various approaches to sobriety and found it quite fulfilling
But I agree you have to do something to stay sober are you won’t 

Okay whatever works for you guys work it that's my point whether it's AA or something else get busy doing the work