If you have dogs….this happened five days ago:

If you have dogs….this happened five days ago:

Holy Shit.

Ok so: I like Sundays and I like my dogs. Usually I like my dogs on Sundays. Today, after a long battle at Costco, I came home to relax and watch some “Diners, Drive Ins and Dives” (Does this show ever get old for foodies?). Ah…peace and rest. Maybe not.

My youngest Schnauzer Tyrone (doesn’t he just look so innocent?) was outside acting strangely. Running, stopping, twisting, shaking and then…it happened.

In through the doggie door….a dog (Tyrone) hanging from his ass….a hair (not mine) and hanging from the hair (God help me)….several pieces of shit that he was obviously trying to rid himself of.

I have never taught my dogs any form of dance but somehow Tyrone was performing something like a combination of the Mambo and Crumping. I couldn’t enjoy the dance…all I could see was the shit…flying around on the hair threatening release.

I don’t even have OCD but was channeling my inner Monk as I went into a panic trying to get to him before the Shit Kabob snapped.

What is it with dogs? No matter what’s going on in their lives they seem to interpret running toward them as “let’s play chase!”

What happened in the next five minutes I would not wish on my worst enemy. I was chasing, he was running, projectile poop was flying….he still looked concerned but was simultaneously having fun. I was not.

I am now…not resting, nor am I watching TV but rather playing a nasty form of scavenger hunt called “Find The Shit Balls”. One on the couch pillow (barf), one on the carpet (hurl) and one still hanging from his tired out ass.

I am traumatized. Tyrone is fine in case you were concerned.

Yes they do :heart_eyes: I love their playful innocence, excitement for life and forgiving nature. What amazing examples they are for us “more intelligent” species.

LOL I’m so sorry you went they this but thank you for sharing

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We all survived!

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