If you could tell your brain one thing. What would it be?

Our own brain lies to us so often. If you could tell your brain one thing, what would it be?


That I'm not good enough.

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Is that what you brain already says?

God Love's You And Needs You


That is a great thing to remind ourselves of.

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You are more than enough. Thank you everything you do for us.


Mine would be shut up and just go with it for a change. Stop over thinking.

Shut up brain I don't wanna kill myself I like life now

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Continue on your path and don't forget to always rest.
Rome wasn't built in a day!

I love that. I always say Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burned in a night.

Your brain is a great servant but a horrible master

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I'll tell taking in the good things so I can live a normal clean healthy life

Leave me alone I say those things to myself enough.