If there is anyone out there who would pray with

If there is anyone out there who would pray with me or for me. Prayers for my children who are going thru alot more than they should at a young age and are separated from me because of poor choices I made!


Lord please guide and protect those who need it. Give them the strength, knowledge, and guidance they need to continue to make positive changes. Remind them to take time to listen to your loving messages sent through their hearts and dismiss those judgements they place on themselves while they heal. Allow them to be kind to themselves so they can make better choices. Heal their children and remind their parents they are always resilient. Amen

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I'll say a prayer for you brother!

Thank You paint the town for Your awesome prayer I really appreciate it my friend

Todd thank You for any prayers. I really appreciate it. Going thru a very rough time in life right now. No one to blame but myself. I pray tho for God's forgiveness and that he will straighten out my life. My children have been affected by this big time and alot of my guilt is for that reason. They themselves are not in a good place right now because of my poor choices and it hurts really bad to know I left them in a bad spot in life due to my poor and even selfish choices!

Praying for you and your children let God guide you give him control


I pray for you🙃. Tough guy on outside. Many issues on inside

Prayers sent for you and your family


I pray your children are safe and well. I pray that when you are ready they are reunited with you.