If it weren't for these drugs.. I probably wouldn't have

If it weren't for these drugs.. I probably wouldn't have gotten this promotion. They make me work harder and focus on the task at hand. I finish my work and have the time to help my coworkers finish theirs too. I could never do that sober..

How do you know this for sure? Have you worked this job without the drugs long enough to know how they affect your performance?


Are you asking for help? I don't understand why you are posting here?

Why are you posting this here. I suggest you find another app if sobriety isn’t appealing to you. Use drugs if you’re fine with your life. I don’t anymore.


Are you trying to convince us or yourself of that?

This was an ignorant and irrelevant post. I apologize so please ignore this post. This is a prime example of how someone loses common sense when using.


Its crazy I know, but stacking one day on another, then working through,pain and sorrows,Happiness and worth little by little, its worth it

Is this shit for real??? Lol wow.

They might be working now but the drugs take over then your done trust me in time you be saying it differently

I’m struggling to stay clean and I downloaded this app this is the first thing I see! For real dude? Your a complete asshole!

Is your job worth you being strung out bro? jobs come and go. Not sure what you’re on but let’s play the cards out, eventually it’ll take over, you lose your job and you’re just a shell of who you’re supposed to be. I’ve seen it and done it. Flush that shit! Fuck your job man! You’ll have more earning power clean. I think you know all this just gotta take good advice or learn the hard way. Good luck man