If I had a fucken needles and drugs right now

If I had a fucken needles and drugs right now

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Pull through these urges Bobby! You can do it! Call the hotline if you need to.

Hang on dude…..make that call

Don't do that. The feeling to use to resolve your problems is temporary. It won't help forever. Talk to someone.

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Thx y'all

How are you feeling today?

Not much better waiting on this online meeting to start

It's good you're going to meeting.

I'm sorry you're not better. I wish I knew what to do to help. Keep hanging on.

Finish the thought. Where does it lead?

Hopefully I. The grave

You totally got this babe :heartbeat: no lie your already one step ahead of it

Wish I did

Sweetie whatz going on?

Not worth it. Life is better on the other side

No it's not

I'll text u n a bit just took meds and gonna lay down

I wouldn't feel all this pain and get blamed for shit that I'm not doing

You do. Ever need someone to talk to hnu

Message me