If anyone is praying tonight please throw my name in

If anyone is praying tonight please throw my name in there. I will need it tonight more so than most thanks


I will Send you a prayer


Thank you so much.

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I will put you in my prayers!! I am sorry. I could use some too if you dont mind. Lots of really bad family news. A reason to stay sober in case they need me at any moment. But also a reason to want drink. Just getting through the sadness though day by day. I hope that things get better for you.

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I have you in my prayers. I truly hope and wish the best for you and your family. thank you.

Don’t know about your religious beliefs, but perhaps the universe wanted you to be sober at this moment for your family. You can do it. We have faith in you! Also always feel free to reach out



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I hope you’re doing well! Saw the original post was 11 days ago, I hope things have been working themselves out a little bit for you, and if not keep your head up and stay strong! Wish you they best

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