I wrote this a year ago today

Today is day 4 of my sobriety this year and it’s so sad that I know my issues I just lack the tools to follow through.

“I have these long drawn out battles with myself. I’ll feel so sorry, so upset, throw a full blown pity party for myself. I’ll be at what I consider so low. I become recluse. I’ll be at my fucking lowest and never reach out to anyone. I don’t like to ask for help and it is the very last thing I do. When I have asked for help, i get refused. I’ll then realize how fucked up this world is for people like me and it makes it worse. So I’ll find I’m in a black hole of emotion.

Then I pray. I pray to my god to give me an answer, tell me that where I am is where I should be. To let me KNOW that I will be ok, I am where I should be. Instant gratification is something I’m not used to and something I didn’t expect. It’s still something I didn’t get but gratification I did receive.

I haven’t had a life to be jealous of, to envy. I have been on my own a lot longer than anyone should. I have felt so fucking alone as a child, teenager, and young adult. I still continue to find myself there. I didn’t have a mom to tell all my problems to. I didn’t have a dad to warn me about boys. Instead I had two super hero’s that did what they didn’t have to. Who did the best they could with what they truly did NOT HAVE to do.

I realize the older I get that maybe the struggles, the uncertainty and the early head start to realizing my worth is what I make it, is probably the best thing that could have happened to me. I was told by someone who has seen it all, that i “make the best of what I am given.” Since then I have tried to remind myself daily that, that is NOT an easy task and that one sentence in itself holds so much power. I am powerful. I forgive. I don’t forget, I move on. I fall down and I get back up and I’ll help anyone else who I see trying too. I find the strength inside of me when I have none left for myself and I use it to do good things. Even if the outcome is failure.

I am not ok and maybe I will never be. What I am though is stronger than my grudges, stronger than hate. I am stronger than the want to give up. Stronger than deflecting who I am onto other people. Stronger than selfishness. Stronger than envy. Stronger than giving into influence that would be easier.

Everyday I decide to be happy. I want to be happy and so I decided to think of only happy thoughts and that alone is a lot of strength.

Decide who you want to be but please do not drag anyone else down if you chose negatively.”

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Well done Ms Rebecca

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well this is fucking awesome to see

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Which part?

Awesome words. Just one thought: be careful not to complicate. Simpler = easier = bliss in my world. :call_me_hand:

This is just awesome! There is so much in those words to process, so much pain and emotions. Then the growth and strength that emerges in the end of your story! :fire::pray:
Well done.

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